Medieval paint maker: colours & wall decoration Discover how colourful buildings were during the medieval period, from simple hovels to grand castles! Mistress Gabrielle will present various pigments, brushes and paints used at the time, and how colour merchants and paint makers worked at the time. This might inspire you to make your own natural paints at home, or see Corfe Castle under a new, colourful light! Medieval Cutler (knife and cutlery maker) Join Master Thomas, the town’s cutler (knife and cutlery maker), in his workshop as he presents the skills, tools and techniques of these important medieval artisans. Did you know that knives, spoons and sometimes forks, now everyday items, held a vital place in peoples lives, being fashion items and sometimes real pieces of jewellery… as well as necessary tools to eat with, used to show off your good manners and education!
Event hosted by Pario Gallico and Heritage Blades.
Event ticket prices: This event is free, but normal admission charges apply for the venue.
Suitability: This is a family friendly event
Meeting point: This event will take place in the Outer Bailey.
What to bring and wear: Clothing and footwear suitable for exploring a ruined castle.
Accessibility: This event will take place in the Outer Bailey which has step free access.